Saturday, March 15, 2014

18 Things this Highly Creative Person Does

  A friend shared this article with me on Facebook a little bit ago.  It's called "18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently" by Carolyn Gregoire for the online Huff Post.  Check it out, it's pretty interesting, whether you are a creative person or (especially) if you have to deal with creative persons and don't quite understand them.

After you read that, here is a confirmation and exampling rebuttal to the article by Sam Myers, the Executive Pink Elephant of MOPE Designs.  (This might just explain a little more about MOPE.)

* they daydream: non stop, in fact if i'm not listening, this is why!
* they observe everything: yes esp those things we see people doing when they think no one is looking.  those are my favorites - proves the power of thought.
* they work the hours that work for them: hence why i hate working for others - on their time!
take time for solitude: these are my leave me the hell alone moments, always good to surround myself with ONLY nature.
* they turn life's obstacles around: no wonder people see me as less sympathetic to other's situations, because to me i see what they gained, how it can be created into something new; sadness is always the best creative fluxes.
* they seek out new experiences: it's a must, see previous response.
* they fall up: this explains the feeling i get after getting knocked down, i thought it was a revenge effect that becomes personal to my success without hateful revenge part (the well i'll show them by becoming a millionaire and live by ONLY my OWN rules!).
* they ask the big questions: curiosity got the cat, and me, and every moment; i wanna know why, who, where but from an inside point of view that comes from only the person involves.
* they people-watch: this references the previous observer but it was def my favorite time in college; just sit somewhere and watch people, their moods, their interactions, the accidents, or swift maneuvers.
* they take risks: i'm starting to see how they all relate; curiosity and need for experience to feel as though you're in a daydream pushes one to take adventurous risks, to be bold enough to say, "i just wanna live."
* they view all life as opportunity for self-expression: shiiiiiiit whether its a fight with my man, moments of boredom, or sharing ideas it all stems from my own self expression; but i figured this was universal.
* they follow their true passions: side effects of everything previous; i want therefore i live, i fail therefore i live, i am passionate therefore i am alive.
* they get out of their own heads: i had to read this to confirm what it meant; from observing and people watching, from daydreaming of futures and therefore orchestrating occurrences between people; from this practice the ability to put myself in others' shoes has become almost too easy (but people can always still surprise me).
* they lose track of time: duh, think of all the bullshit we have going on from all of this, from ALL OF THIS! ;)
* they surround themselves with beauty: luckily there's beauty in everything, even the ugly and wicked, you just have to look through a twisted view; but yeah if you saw my house it's filled with colors, nature, creativity, and toys.
* they connect the dots: i think we can agree, this has been shown (which would've been a great ender but alas).
* they constantly shake things up: well i'm not one to sit in boredom and let that happen for others; plus a good shake followed by rattle and roll is always good for the soul.
* they make time for mindfulness: with how much crazy our brain contain, ones brain requires rectitude or it gets phucked ups.

  Like a pre-wired computer our minds are full of potential, personality, habits, and incredibly a whole lot more.  It seems funny to classify them but as one creative mind, I concure with these creative person habits!  Question is, what do you do differently than us?
